Friday, August 25, 2023

Finishing my second year

 I came into the spring semester scared, I was really worried I was going to do bad like I did last semester. The photos are photos I took through this semester.

But thankfully, I was able to not sink again. I didn't do as well as I did my first 2 semesters, but my semester gpa was 0.5 higher than the fall. My mental health was a lot better, even with having a little to much on my plate. 

I did end up dropping from the rocketry club for a couple different reasons, mainly because I was burn out, and the club's president couldn't be professional, and was downright cruel to me.

May 1st, 2 of my roommates moved out into a cheaper apartment, where our expenses, are now 2/3rds of what they were at the old place, which  together is saving us around $900/month.
