Friday, May 19, 2023

It has been nearly 2 years …

 My beloved readers,

I can’t believe it has been nearly 2 year, the last time we spoke I was excited about possibly getting into a course that my college offers to first year students, for the summer before they start. I didn’t get into the sewing class, but I did get into the cooking class.

Each week had to cook a different food and do a post about the science aspect related to the food or digestive system. The professor tho definitely has biases and is not the nicest to others. I had never had an issue with her but you could tell with the way she talked about others.

Also the last time we spoke, I had just returned to vacation and was on an extremely strong antibiotic, I had been stung by a wasp, and developed a bad bacterial infection in the area after 2 days, If I had waited until morning it would’ve been an ER visit for iv antibiotics. I wished it was iv antibiotics only for the fact that I found out I was allergic to the first antibiotic and preceded to sleep from Benadryl the entire time I was on the med. 

After the the college class was finished, I moved into my dorm (which was at a hotel), orientation week was so busy and didn’t get to unpack until the Sunday after the first week of school. Went to a frat party that Friday but left by 10:30, parties are a lot more fun when you know the people there, and then I started my 1st semester.

I took 15 credits, and finished the semester with a 4.0 and made deans list. I also had the time to donate plama twice the first semester. In October we got a new puppy.

Unfortunately at the end of December, an extremely close family friend, we had been really close to since 2006, and his death was harder than my grandfather’s in 2020.

And with that, 2021 was finished.
